I am reminded each time I speak with one of our 'one time' readers how dilinguent we have been about updating this blog. One and a half months is a long time, I know. My dog ate my homework? Oops!!!! We don't have a dog - does it count if Nathan has two? (Yes, I know they don't live anywhere around us...)
Sooooo..... what have we been doing since October?
- Halloween Partys
- Private Shopping Event on the Marietta Square
- Birthday Concert
- North Jawja Queen Party
- Wine Tasting
- Thanksgiving with the family
- Visit to the Georgia Aquarium
- Bowling at US Play
- Dinner with friends
- and yes, there's that thing called work!
Let's start at the beginning, Halloween is a time for bad costumes, and trust me I didn't let y'all down. I'm actually getting quite used to being mistaken for Peg Bundy, but you'll know it's me by the tiara. One should never leave home without one. Now just in case you're wondering, I couldn't talk Robert into wearing a 60's /70's Fro wig, much to my dismay........
I am sure that these events are held in many locations, but this was my first time attending a private shopping event at Marietta Square. It goes something like this, Lots of women, hor'duerves and wine at each shop, door prizes, scavenger hunt, discounts and someone to tote all of your packages! Let's stop and think about this.... Tipsy women with credit cards in tow..... this could turn into a seriously dangerous situation. The last shop with the chocolate martinis was the best! I even won a couple of door prizes....... Whew! What a time!
Ah, the birthday concert, now that was truly a funny night. My team at work took me to lunch for my birthday and gave Robert and I tickets to the concert of our choice. I am so fortunate to have such a wonderful team that also rocks at their job, in addition to being considerate. No really, when I was interviewing them, I asked if they would be willing to bring me gifts..... (Just joking!!!!!) The concert was Dan Bromberg, an accomplished acoustical guitarist who plays a mix of blues and blue grass. After the concert, we went to our favorite haunt Crystal's on the Square, where Robert was promptly 'flashed' by one of the ladies (using the term loosely here!) as we walked in the door. Wow! Come to find out it was a case of mistaken bald man identity! The guy who this was meant for was sitting across the room laughing at Robert! What a night!
On to the North Jawja Queen Party. I have been trying for a long time to convince my friends that The Larry Griffith Band is the best thing since sliced bread. Finally they believe! The NJQ joined Robert and I at an eating and drinking establishment named Doc's to see The Larry Griffith Band. An interesting combination of women with tiaras and boas dancing to Motown. The guitarist is King George, so I am thinkin' we have a ready made royal court!
On to the Wine Tasting with Dave and Judi. Dave just completed his schooling and received his certification as a sommelier. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a fancy name for a wine expert who makes recommendations when you are at one of them there fancy restaurants. This was a first for both Robert and I and we thoroughly enjoyed it.
Now, there's Thanksgiving..... this has to be the best one I can remember in a long, long time. There are many moments that are deserving of their very own post with pix. Let me just give you an idea of how much time we spent at the Atlanta airport, in addition to other arrivals and departures.
- Tuesday - pick up Kawika at 10:30am, Jessie and Sky at 12:30
- Wednesday 4am - Mike (my son), Angela and Nathan get in
- Wednesday - pick up Mary (my sister) at 7pm
- Thursday - no new arrivals, but my friend Linda joins us for dinner
- Friday - Mary departs at 7pm
- Saturday morning - Mike, Angela and Nathan depart for Florida
- Saturday noon - Linda (step mother), Jenny and Jake arrive
- Sunday noon - Chris arrives
- Sunday evening - Linda, Jenny and Jake leave
- Monday - Kawika leaves for Kansas City
- Tuesday - Jessie and Sky leave for Wisconsin
........ wait! is anyone still here? Oh yeah , Chris left this past Saturday going back to Chicago.
Lot's of fun was had by all during this time. Everyone had a place in this apartment of ours and managed to keep the place pretty darn clean. I am guilty of taking approximately 1500 pix during this short time frame, but I think I got a few good ones!
Some of the most memorable moments were the first time Robert and Kenui saw each other, playing baseball, basketball, video games, cards, cooking dinner, going to US Play and finally the Georgia Aquarium. I am sure I missed something, because it was sooooo much fun. Kawika played basketball with Nathan until he was dizzy. More to come on this visit!
Finally this past weekend was pretty quiet, but we still managed to get together with our friend Linda and her daughter Tammy for dinner. Chris, still in town, joined us and got Linda's version of wine tasting and etiquette in the professional world. Chris and I spent some time shopping before he was off to Chicago to face the cold, cold world. (really the world isn't cold, but Chicago is!)
Now, the excitement has died down. Jessie and Sky are back in Wisconsin, the fronzen tundra. Chris is back in Chicago, the windy city. Kawika is back in Kansas, kicking some soccer balls and anxiously awaiting Christmas. Mike, Angela and Nathan are back in Orlando waitin' for Santa to catch the surf in. Jenny, Linda and Jake are back in Nashville, while Mary is in Peru, South America teaching English. Robert and I - well we are back at work, crazy hours yes, but we have a motto by which we live.
Work hard, play hard!