Saturday, May 17, 2008

So happy together!

Both Robert & I have lots of vacation time to use in a short period of time. That being said, he had four, yes four days off this week! So I decided to request a vacation day as well, and we spent Thursday just hangin' out together.

Here's a quick (or maybe not so quick) run down of our rainy, rainy day.....
  • Sleep in late - I don't think we even opened our eyes until 8am!
  • Go to Howards for lunch and get a hamburger steak (??) smothered in grilled onions & mushrooms, with a side of mashed potatoes and gravy. Pair this with a cup of coffee and the rain coming down - a great way to spend part of our afternoon. We marveled at the basket of saltines and whipped spread (not butter mind you..) and thought of how retro that and the atmosphere here were. A movie seemed like a great idea, so Robert let me choose (I'll tell you later).
  • Gone junkin' to pass the time until the movie started - Goodwill was good for a couple of retro Dairy Queen Santa drinking glasses. Then it was on to the Smyrna Thrift Shop were we hit the jackpot! Four aloha shirts, six albums (Bernstein - Brubeck, All in the Family Soundtrack, New Riders, Frank Zappa, Cat Stevens & CCR) and one retro warming plate were in our basket as we approached the checkout....... And there she was - we both looked at each other with disbelief in our eyes...... All alone on the shelf was Leilani. We knew right then and there that she had to come home with us. It is almost unfathomable that someone could do that to her, but she'll not have to worry about that anymore.

  • What Happens in Vegas doesn't get rave reviews, but it's one of those over the top stupid movies that will have you laughing (and if you're me - crying....) I don't think that Robert thought it was that good, but it's OK to have differing opinions. Maybe the reason that I do like it is that it is mindless. A great escape from every day life.
  • Hang out at the house for a bit - when who should call but Larry. Come on over for an impromptu .....
  • Jam at Carrie & Larry's - with some of our good friends. Carrie's homemade salsa and Larry's fajitas were the perfect touch to the evening. Oh yes, let's not forget that Leilani also joined us and played her first jam ever!

It still rained on and off all day long, but that didn't stop us from making the most of our day together.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


so...... last weekend, Robert & I spent Sunday getting Margaritaville ready for YOU! (Oops, that sounds like we desparately want company..... wait - we DO!)

You saw our fabulous chairs (previous post below), and I must confess that the bug has bit me but good. I am hopelessly drawn to junk that can be painted or modified in some kewl way to fit into our veraown Margaritaville.

(this is the bug...)

Sooo.... yesterday, while sitting at the outside cafe' Kiosco sipping on a fabulous glass of red sangria - I run into a friend whom I haven't seen in awhile and she twists my arm (not really necessary) into goin junkin'! Hmmm.... I've already been to Alchemy and got a great pair of orange dangly earrings, got a fabulous haircut that morning at Hair by the Square, and a little beverage - of course I'll go.

(this is the very glass of sangria I told you about!)

Goodwill first stop - found a 60's chartruese vanity stool just perfect the way it is for $4! (did I mention that I simply love a bargain?)

Then, we venture over to A Classy Flea where lo and behold, I saw her! It's like destiny or karma hit that very moment! Sitting right out front and beckoning 'buy me, buy ME! was this parrot, whom we later named Pearl. Check her out below for a unbelievable transformation!

(What's that you're hiding Pearl?!)

But wait! Do you love to talk as much as I do? Well, here's a blast from the past - a Gossip Bench! You'll have to check back later for an update of what the final product looks like. It very well may wind up in the Beatles room......

Well, it's time to get a move on - so I'll end this for now - but not before wishing all of my favorite Mothers a Happy Mother's Day!