honorary Savage! Robert, that is. We met a wonderful group of friends, Totally Savage, a few months back at an open jam and have been following them since.
They asked Robert to play Stormy Monday with them on Friday night at Brewsters Grille, one of their regular gigs, which was also the same night they were recording a live CD!
It was so funny when Larry was introducing the band and said, "and Jonathan on bass" only to look right in front of him where Jonathan was sitting at the table with me! Too funny! He didn't realize that Robert was playing, guess that means he's pretty good, huh? (I certainly think so!) Good music, friends and fun! Lucky for everyone I just happened to have my camera with me!
Then last night we went to our favorite neighborhood bar, Crystal's on the Square, and they were there! Robert played with them again, fun stuff!!!!!
They asked Robert to play Stormy Monday with them on Friday night at Brewsters Grille, one of their regular gigs, which was also the same night they were recording a live CD!
It was so funny when Larry was introducing the band and said, "and Jonathan on bass" only to look right in front of him where Jonathan was sitting at the table with me! Too funny! He didn't realize that Robert was playing, guess that means he's pretty good, huh? (I certainly think so!) Good music, friends and fun! Lucky for everyone I just happened to have my camera with me!
Then last night we went to our favorite neighborhood bar, Crystal's on the Square, and they were there! Robert played with them again, fun stuff!!!!!
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