Saturday, June 11, 2005

Please join Robert and me in welcoming.....

the newest member in our household. Our long awaited Tacoma arrived on June 9, 2005. We have been expecting him since November and were pleased that the delivery was short and sweet. In preparation for our new addition, we considered many names, Tahoe, Explorer, Ram, Dakota to name a few - but decided that Tacoma was just the right choice.

As with all new arrivals, we were mainly concerned with his health and consider ourselves very fortunate that he has no defects. Four tires, four doors and two eyes.... and naturally we think he is better looking than most. I promise we would say that even if he weren't ours! His first bath was a memorable event and left him very shiny, maybe with even a little sparkle. Like most little ones, he likes a leisurely drive at night and listening to soft jazz, before retiring to his own long bed. We really love Tacoma and know that he does too as his eyes light up when he sees us.

Tacoma will be taking his first road trip with us to Florida in a couple of weeks and is very excited to be introduced to the rest of the family.

1 comment:

Jen Strange said...

you are INSANE. But funny. So it's all good.
